计算机网络Chapter6 无线网络与加密
# Wireless Networks and Security
# 6.1 Wireless networks
Wireless networks are computer networks that are not connected by cables电缆 of any kind. Wireless networks use radio waves to connect devices such as laptops to the Internet.
wireless hosts
wireless links
base station 基站
A base station is responsible for sending and receiving data (e.g., packets) to and from a wireless host.
# wireless networks 分类:
- LAN Local Area Network (本地)局域网
- MAN Metropolitan Area Networks 城域网
- WAN Wide Area Network 广域网
- PAN Personal Area Network 个人局域网
# 6.2 Security
A firewall is a combination of hardware and software that isolates an organization’s internal network from the Internet at large, allowing some packets to pass and blocking others.
All traffic from outside to inside, and vice versa, passes through the firewall.
Firewall placement between the administered network and the outside world.
- Access Control 访问控制
- Antivirus Software: 杀毒软件
- Cloud Security 云安全
- Virus 病毒
- Worms 蠕虫
- Trojan 木马
# 密码 Cryptographic
- Symmetric Key Cryptographic 对称密钥加密 SKC
- Public Key Cryptographic 公钥加密 PKC
# 6.4 Mobility management 移动管理
# 6.5 Mobile IP 移动IP
Mobile IP: (internet protocol)
Mobile IP is a communication protocol that allows the users to move from one network to another with the same IP address.
- Agent discovery 代理发现
- Registration with the home agent 向本地代理注册
- Indirect routing of datagrams 数据报的间接路由